Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Whew, I am tired now!

Yesterday and today were "Birthday Shopping Days" with grandchildren numbers 2 and 3.  Monkey Boy had his birthday way back on July 6.  There was much going on then, and I kept having to postpone his shopping trip.  The Diva (her new nick name - she is the last of Daughter's kiddos) had her birthday on July 20.  I wasn't going to take her before I took her brother!  That wouldn't be right.

Ever since the kids have gotten old enough, I take them for a day.  We shop for their presents and then have lunch.  What happens after that is their choice.  They can either come here to hang out for a while, or go home.

Monkey Boy isn't the easiest to shop for.  He had two days however.  Monday, he and "Pa" went to see a movie - the one with the guy with knives for fingers I think.  Then yesterday was our day.  He said he wanted to go to T*rget, so we went.  Before that I took him to H*lf Pr*ced B**ks though because I promised this before school was out.

He chose a book on World War II.  Kind of amazed me - he just turned 9.  Then we were off.  He headed to the L*ggos.  They had a set displayed (under glass - and now I know why) that he was drawn to over and over because it looked like an alligator whose mouth opened.  FINALLY is chose a set, and I told him to choose another smaller set since we had not reached my projected budget.

When I asked him where he wanted to eat, I expected Ste*k and Sh*ke.  Nope.  He wanted Ta*o C*bana. That's where we went.  Afterwards, he wanted to come to my house.  He was content to stay.  I told him he had baseball practice, and he groaned.  His dad finally came to pick him up.

Today was The Diva's turn.  It was the same store with S&S for lunch.  We walked into the store - straight to the mechanical doggie.  I thought its pricing was my budget, so after being assured that was exactly what she wanted, I told her that was all.  Well - I discovered later it was a close-out and was $10 less.  Oh well.

Then it was on to S&S where she ate a full kids meal (something that doesn't happen - ever) AND a shake.  And we got to visit with Mom (Daughter).  Fun time.  She then was ready to go home, and in reality I am kind of glad.  I need to clean the bedroom.

AND I am tired.

In other breaking news, the biopsies came back OK, but I have to see him in a year - and probably get to do this all over again.  I am sure it was because of the NINE of those little things.  Oh well.


Marti said...

I'm so glad about the biopsies.

A shopping trip with kids always wore me out and I was younger then. Glad you found just what they wanted. I think it's nice that you let them pick so you know they like it.

yellowdoggranny said...

congratulations on the good dr report

JuJu said...

I LOVE this tradition you have with the grandkids. I hope I will remember to do that. That time spent with them one on one is priceless!

Yay for good results!

Judy said...

I love the one on one time spent with while birthday present shopping. I always have a set amount too--but the meal is not included. They are all very careful of what they get--check the price to make sure it is within gramma's budget. I am afraid this year, with my daughter's attitude toward me--she won't let me take the kids for their shopping time.