Monday, August 04, 2014

Kinda sad

Well, the Pigeon Viper (don't ask me!) girls, Gold 14 u didn't get into the finals.  They lost the two games that would have put them there, but they did come out 5th in the Junior Olympic Water Polo competetion.  Still proud for kids who come from an area where water polo is just being discovered.

I shouldn't really be surprised at some of the things that happened though.  Seems like some of the California teams (mostly) were quite rude to the girls and their parents.  I am not really surprised because this is one of those sports where the parents pay A LOT of money for their kids to compete.  Therefore, you sometimes get the asses that go along with this type of thing - you know what used to be Little League parents.  That has translated into other sports.

I still would say it was a successful outing though.  So far I have only gotten a hug from Katie (Karrington was bouncing off the walls, and Reagan fell fast asleep on the couch.  Steve thought their tickets were for 12:30 PM , but their flight from San Francisco was 12:30 AM!  G went to the airport at 7 (they waited a half hour), and I went to the local kolache/donut shop so they would have something to eat before they all crashed for a bit!

But all are looking forward to next year!

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