Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Snotty answer

When I replied to my answer from the sewing machine people, they were rather snotty. I referred to the newest update as 2.2. After I did that I realized that it was actually 2.01.

Well, the person replying definitely jumped on that. They went on to say that perhaps I should make sure of what I was talking about.

I guess customer service is another dinosaur that is decomposing out there somewhere. I absolutely HATE calling customer service for a computer matter. I don't think I really have to tell why. When I bought a new computer several years ago, I bought one that is manufactured here in Texas. I, naively, thought that when I needed help, that person would be here in the US. Nope! I still hate that computer - with a passion. I had a major problem with it, and those people had me down on the floor taking the blasted thing apart.

I am not a computer repair person. My best friend went to night school so she could get out of teaching and into IT. She can take one apart, but I also remember her telling me that there were some parts that retained stored electricity. Electricity + touching = SHOCK!

But I was tearing that thing apart. My modem was fried. So now that computer only has a cable modem and no dial up because I was instructed to take that part out.

Eventually they actually sent someone out. That is what I thought I paid for in the super-duper extended warranty. But you have to take the blasted thing apart yourself two or more times before that is even offered. Oh, and it still needs a new mother board. When the third repair person came out, he didn't think that was needed, so . . .

It seems to me that businesses really don't care about making their customers happy. Perhaps it is because there are so many really terrible people in the world that demand too much from these companies. I know dealing with customers can be a pain for them too. A lot of people are not nice. They treat others worse than dirt.

With this silly machine, I have tried to be nice. But when you are looking at mid four figures for a machine, I think you are due some really good service for that machine. I haven't gotten it at all. All I get to do is drop more dollars into it.


1 comment:

Judy said...

Maybe you can find the name of the President of the company and write directly to him/her? I have had some bad customer service experiences and then I have had some wonderful ones--like with my Ott light.

Anyway--it certainly sounds very frustrating for you.