Saturday, June 27, 2009

One day

This heat will break. I know I am whining about it. This heat is hitting a lot of the nation. Son in law had one of the chefs from his company in town the other day. We were invited to come to the dinner he was preparing. The company is based in Wisconsin, and Andy is from Wisconsin. Amazing, right!

He said he guessed that he was getting paid back for all the times SIL was in Wisconsin this winter when there were blizzards. I can't believe they played golf in the 103 temperatures, but they did. We asked Andy if he were ready to retreat. He said no, because it was heating up there too.

I just keep thinking if June is this hot, what in the world are we going to have in August? Scary thought. Meanwhile, we are watching our lawns burn up. The county has banned any aerial fireworks for this season. That's more than fine with me. I am such a stick in the mud that I would like to see them banned - period. I think there is more danger than thay are worth.

LB didn't spend the night last night. I am not sure what happened. In fact, I haven't heard from them yet today. Usually I get a call around 9, and here it is 12:30. In a way, I was glad. She would have wanted to sleep with me, and I don't get any sleep when she does. But she did make a "belt" for Doodle Bug. It wasn't really wonderful, but it was a beginning. When she had to turn it right side out, it wasn't fun. She said she would rather just "sew" which means just random seams. I thought she was going to break the machine though. She constantly changed the stitch length and widths.

Well, trying to stay cool here. I can just imagine the electricity bills!!


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