Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Answers for questions

I am going to answer a few questions here, and probably bring up new ones,  or at least make you wonder about me.

The first question is about meal worms.  Here, our school district loves to use the inexpensive (should be free, but that required a little more work) meal worms to show how they change from the larva – hence meal worm – to the moth. 

This will probably gross you out, but in your grain products, there are insect eggs.  There are flour moths and in the oats, meal worms.  I should have known better, but I was once overwhelmed with flour moths because I forgot about those pesky eggs.  I am still battling them to a degree, but I am getting them under control.

When I wasn’t able to get around, my cereal/grain pantry , well, aged.  Suddenly there were little moths flying all around the house.  They took over the dining room because we certainly didn’t use that room.  I was doing good to set the breakfast room table.

I have found the non-toxic glue traps for these little buggers, and putting the grains in the freezer for about a week or so will kill them – and that reminds me – I just bought some flour.  But air tight containers help too.

Anyway, back to the meal worms.  Science supply houses sell these little bugs for the school children to take care of and watch them turn into a moth.  An ugly moth, but a moth never-the-less.

Now a fix for the machine.  I don’t think there is something different for that USB slot.  I am simply going to have to be incredibly careful.  I am considering completely re-arranging the craft room.  I have thought of this before, but I just hate to move things.  Such a mess!  But I may be able to find a way to put much less strain on that little port.

I did write the company.  I got a return email – a form letter – that they had gotten the email and would get back to me.  I also posted to the Yahoo group to see if I am alone in this.  Nothing on that front yet either.

I am really considering trading the machine for another brand.  I am really upset with this.  And the machines seem to be in a snit when they come home from cleaning.  They are cantankerous little beasties at best.

If you don’t get the design in just the right place, it won’t read it at all.  If using the thumb drive – the design has to be in a special folder.    Now from the computer to begin with – I don’t know.  I cannot get that to work at all.  And the cards must be obsolete since I can’t find one.

And so my moans and groans go on.  I will spend the day later wrapping the tv in plastic.  We have been in an extended period of dry – but now rain, of course.

Happy Thanksgiving to you.  I hope you have a great day.


Peace be with you. 

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