Our flight landed at 12:30 a.m. today. The flights to and from LA were completely full. In fact going they over booked. There was a family who were completely separated. Dad had no seat, but fortunately he was employed by United - so he flew in the Flight Attendant's area. But I felt sorry for his son. He was way in the back of the plane - alone. The mom and little girl got to be together. But checking on the boy was difficult because the beverage cart completely blocks the aisle so much of the time that they couldn't get back to him. The man with the mom said it would move, but for some reason it didn't work out that way.
Walking is difficult for me. We have discussed that. Well! Being with athletes is not for the walking deprived! Especially water polo athletes. They have legs that are stronger than steel!
Krissi was the "team mom" which meant she drive the 15 passenger team van. Parking is at a premium at best - but she really was nervous about backing that whale so we would be parked pretty far from the venues as it was. Then Saturday night when a dinner place was chosen I knew she wouldn't be taking the van, and no one else would be driving either. The parking lot for the hotel was tiny. Add all these 15 passenger vans, AND all the parental rental cars meant it would fill rapidly. So they were going to walk it. It was ONLY 5 blocks. I asked them to bring something back.
Over the two days I really believe I walked about 5 miles. Another thing that could have been problematic was the sun. Here is Texas we are such wimps - our pools for swimming events are enclosed. California has their pools outside. The stands have a roof - for afternoon coverage. Our games were before noon. The sun was bright. I am fair, plus some of my meds make me even more apt to burn. Surprisingly I didn't!!! I did use sunscreen, but I was still surprised!
Now the real news - she made it to the next phase to the National Team. Ultimately, this is the road to the Olympic Team. It is a long, hard road. She made it to the next training camp. There were three girls from each region chosen. Then from there she has to make it to the NEXT camp. And from there it is the National Team I believe. As she gets older and continues to make the teams - then it is the Olympic Team.
Go Katie! I know you guys are all so proud of her; I am and I don't know her! :)
Glad you all had a safe trip, but sorry you had so much walking to do. I know that was very difficult.
YAY!! What a girl!
wonderful news..Olympics bound.
Good for her!
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