Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Busy, busy ...

My time isn't my own when G is home. He manages to include me in something when he is off! Of course, yesterday was a very pleasant surprise. He wanted to go to see Little Teenie! I was amazed. He is not a baby person - at all. I look at her in total amazement. I am not used to having such small babies in this family. Wiggle Worm, her brother, was first in that category at 21.5 inches and almost 8 lb. The other three were all half grown, like my own, when they were born!

Mr. Shadow appears to be completely on the mend. I hate that he has to wear that hard Elizabethan collar. I suspect he lost it under the computer desk, but I can't (1) get on the floor on my hands and knees yet to look and (2) move the desk because it is too heavy. The thing is a good 4 feet long with attached upper shelves.

He was just investigating that area - at least as close as he can get! That not being satisfactory, he decided to take a stroll across the top. I have been lax in filing and re-filing things since I have had problems with the modem so he had a glorious amount of papers and a few discs to knock on the floor.

He is feeling so good that he no longer needs the loving petting and holding. Now he is back to the biting. That's pretty funny in itself. The collar prevents many of the contacts. G said he will be looking to kill us when the staples come out on Thursday.

He said that Shadow is thinking to himself - all I had was an upset stomach, and look what these jerks did to me - I have been opened from sternum to pubis! Then the indignity of all - this collar. I've got some serious biting to do! I have to remember I prayed for those bites again. When he was so sick and depressed, I really would have looked forward to one. We'll see how he travels now - we are off to the SSB on Friday.

While we were out, we bought a pomegranate tree (bush). I have wanted one for years. Son and DIL wanted to get me one for Mother's Day, but had no help looking. They ended up getting me a Satsuma which is a form of an orange tree. Daughter bought me a Mexican lime and Barbados cherry from a nursery that was having a moving sale. I hope we don't have a winter like the last one. I should be able to winter these over using the small Christmas tree lights. My back yard will certainly be interesting this year! This is an advantage for living here.

After really looking at weather patterns, we actually do live in a great climate. We may have severe cold (at least for us, understand) of 20 or a little below, but it lasts for only about a week. Plenty of time to burst out pipes and decimate our tropical plants that we so foolishly buy (I plead guilty). Our summers can be almost unbearable, but hey, we are the air conditioning capital of the universe!

No, I have been watching the weather for this past year. I will stay here - even with the humidity and the mosquitoes the size of humming birds. I can manage it all! I am used to it, and adjust my schedule according. I hope this winter will be moderate for everyone, and that moderation will be carried into the summer without the terrible floods that have happened this year.

Peace be with you


Judy said...

I really like winter and snow, but a little worried this year about slipping and messing up my new hip. So glad you found your tree!!! AND so happy Shadow is back to biting!!!

Cheyenne said...

Oh wow, what I wouldn't give to have one week of 20 deg. weather. I would think I died and went to heaven. Instead, we have almost 6 months of nasty cold weather with January feeling like you are in the Arctic, and February not much better.