We are coming to a point with family relations that isn't going to be pretty. I think I have alluded to the way my MIL has always treated out family. She had three children, and the middle child was her favorite. G was her whipping boy - literally. She has continued that attitude (minus the physical abuse) to his family. She even admitted such to my daughter.
All through their childhoos, all holidays were spent with the glorious middle son. I thought it was because her daughter lived in the same city, but it has become apparent that wasn't the reason. When it was time for Christmas, and presents, my kids got what their cousins wanted.
The only time they came here was when the celebration had to be here. This would include graduations, confirmations, etc. All the other celebration times were with the others. During summers, she would want the two sets of kids to come visit her. It was terrible for my kids. Daughter still remembers, and is hurt by it.
When we were having problems with Daughter, she moved away and went to the Alamo city - where MIL lived. We were trying to teach her a lesson - tough love it is caller. We asked the In laws to please be on the same page with us. I think MIL went completely against out wishes. As Daughter realized what we were doing, and there was reconciliation, Daughter remained in place. She would visit her grandparents often and would do so much for them. She was really trying to show them she was a good person. During this time, MIL told Daughter that she had not been fair to her. That she was better than she assumed (another slap at my part of the family).
She had verbally abused me on two occasions. For G's and the kids sakes I did turn the other cheek. I acted like things were fine while inside I wanted to be somewhere else. I have to admit, even now I dislike her with such passion. Not only for her tongue lashings I received, but for what she did to G in his childhood, and especially for the shunning my kids felt.
Well - that was a long way to set up what is going to be coming in the near future. MIL is slowly dying. She is back in the hospital. This is twice in a week. Daughter doesn't care to see her. In the past, her grandmother has presented me with all the pictures Daughter gave her of the great grandchildren, then complained she doesn't have any pictures. She complains that Daughter never calls her. When Daughter does call, she sounds like she is really put out that she had to answer the phone. (That applies to all of us)
Son and DIL are another case. DIL knows how close this family is. She doesn't know the past. Son is a man. He has never been close to his grandparents, so he works on "what is proper" in that situation. DIL wants to know if they should make the trek to see Grandmother. I would tell her what I feel, but I am going to let them make their own decision. Actually, she would go to see her brother, and make the other visit a brief side trip. Sounds like a plan for them.
I don't care to go either. I may be struck dead for this, but I really don't even want to go to this woman's funeral. It looks like her treatments of others is about to "come to roost." There's a life lesson here that I have learned from her early on when I figured out her poor treatment of us. Be good to your family. You want to live on in pleasant memories.
Peace be with you.
Oh yes--sounds familiar to me--having great interference from my step-mother where my daughter was concerned. Caused a lot of strain between my daughter and I by step-mother's lies. Somewhere the phrase, "only the good die young" comes to mind? I can't blame you for any of your feelings, but I know you--you will keep quiet (like we do) and attend her funeral--then there will be a bit of peace in your family with her gone. No more having to play the game.
Exactly - it was just good to vent. I will be a good daughter in law as my husband will be a good son, and on and on down the line.
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