Monday, October 28, 2013

Highs and Lows

EVERY time we have groups at church, Pastor has us share highs and lows for the day/week/month.  I hate it, so what am I going to do - I am going to share my highs and lows for the last few days we have been here at the SSB.  And you know there are both!


G signed up for a program around here that brings in orphan/foster/others like that children out to the ranches during the season to hunt.  Last weekend was youth hunt weekend, which means you have to be younger than 18 to hunt.  It was also girl hunt for this group.

We had a girl and her guide come out on Saturday morning for the hunt.  The guide was an absolute delight to talk with.  She has a veterinary practice.  We talked and talked!

They were able to kill a spike.  That was great.  We have too many of these inferior deer.  They will never develop the proper rack of horns.


This girl spotted my computer.  Immediately she wanted to command it to play games.  First, I do not allow a stranger to use my computer.  Second I do not allow a stranger to use my internet for several reasons among which is the fact I only get a certain amount of usage per day, and after that it slows to the old dial up speed.

I knew nothing about this girl, so I told her that I had no games installed on this because it is a new one using Windows 8 and the games are  not free that I can find.  Then I told her that my internet is too slow for gaming.

Then she wanted to use Facebook.  Not. On. You. Life. Girlie!

After lunch, she spotted my Kindle Fire.  She wanted to "read one of the mysteries" on it.  Foolishly, I believed her.  These  are supposed to be good kids who have not gotten into trouble and kept their grades up.  When she was pulled from my Kindle, I realized that she had accessed the internet.

First, she went on Facebook.  THEN because I have that account with Amazon, she watched two on-demand videos.  My battery was almost completely discharged, and the device was hot as a firecracker.  I was, to use a popular term that really fits here, pissed!

So, lesson learned.  All electronics put away, or never to leave my hand.

Other than that fiasco, We have killed another rattle snake - this one about5-6 feet.  Clyde wanted to go over to sniff it.  He caught the scent, and was curious.  It was acting strangely - probably because it was chilly.  It never coiled.  It remained stretched out.  Such a close call for both Clyde and G.  But if he would make the dog use the potty in a certain area rather than walk the property, this wouldn't be so much of a risk.

Yesterday while potty time again (meaning walking ) they came across another one about a foot long at the fence.  By the time he came in to get the gun - it was gone.  So this morning, he has cut the grass - short.  It was just long enough that the snakes are not easily seen.

Yes - there have been highs and low!  The lows could have been so much worse, and I learned a valuable lesson from the other.  And Clyde WILL be getting the rattlesnake vaccine when his heart worm killing is over, AND he will be going to snake training!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Yikes, yikes and more yikes! NOBODY touches my computer!!!