Our church is a partner with a local elementary school. Most of the schools in our district do have the Title One designation. Our neighborhoods are diverse, so almost every school gets its share of economically deprived kiddos. This is true of our neighborhood school - it is a real melting pot, and it is true of this school the church partners with also.
They have a little store every nine weeks or so. The kids can spend their bucks that they get from turning homework in on time and other "good" works in school. G, Daughter, and I volunteered to work the store on Wednesday afternoon. Some of the kids were so cute. Some broke your heart - at first - until you got to thinking about the system. The lowest prize was ten bucks. One little girl only had seven. It was sad to me.
Anyway, surprising me, G said he would like to do this again. He doesn't do well with that age kid.
Thursday morning, I had my appointment with Dr Poison. His first question was about my energy level. Well, frankly, I have no energy. We talked more, and then he went over my lab results. He tested my Vitamin D level. I am critically low. SO, that explains that. But more than that - the deficiency can lead to some cancers. So I am on 50,000 mg of Vitamin D once a week for six weeks, then 1000 a day after that. I also get to go back in six weeks for another test and to see him.
We talked about the new research on the anti-estrogen drugs given post breast cancer. Originally, you took them for five years, and then stopped. Well - new research ... Need I say more. So he said it was my choice, and I told him I was hesitant to quit the pills anyway. So I am back on Femara.
I knew the church would be short helpers in the store yesterday, so I went back. Some of what the school would classify as level one students had their bucks then. Some of the kiddos had well in excess of 100. Some well on to 200. I was amazed, and I no longer felt sorry for those who didn't have the bucks. Obviously they weren't buying into the program, or the others were stealing their bucks from them!! (LOL)
Then last night was really fun. Our church is an experimental Lutheran church. We have the progressive services - even the traditional just barely is traditional! Anyway. It was Maundy Thursday. We remember the Last Supper. Well - we did a beer and hymn service ---- at a local tavern. It was so much fun. We sang the "old" hymns, and ate and drank. It really was fun. It was so well attended also. Pastor was concerned. He was afraid it wouldn't go well - from no one coming to the establishment telling us they didn't want us singing hymns and we were too loud. Nope - the tavern even wants us back for another beer and hymn time. And the food was great!
Tonight is our Good Friday Tenebrae service. We will have a joint service with the Presbyterians that are near us. It should be another inspiring service. Hopefully my three Lutheran grandchildren will be in attendance for THAT since they missed Palm Sunday and the service last night for BASEBALL. And the sponsoring group for this league is Methodist. G was Methodist before we married. His family is crawling with Methodist ministers. So I had to tease him about this one telling him they must not recognize Holy Week anymore.
My SonIL actually thought Maundy Thursday wasn't a big deal. He even said "well -the Pope doesn't do anything special for it." Hello - Muscle Head. Do you watch the news??? The Pope was even washing prisoners feet - including a Muslim. I think the Associate in Ministry of our last church was right - he certainly didn't need to be involved with teaching confirmation - and he did need to take the class for new Lutherans.
So we are just about to Easter. I have two more little candy bags and candy holders to make for the grandchildren before Sunday. Know what I will be doing if not today (since I am having to do laundry) or tomorrow! Hopefully pictures to come - and I say that because I couldn't post any pictures to my business blog.
So many things going on this Holy Week. All during Lent I have attended church at my daughter's Lutheran church--she goes to the contemporary service. Their Good Friday service was the most impressive I have ever attended. We even sang a hymn I knew the words and music too, LOL. Going back to my Methodist church the Sunday after Easter--I have missed singing the old hymns, but I am now going to miss the messages of the Lutheran pastor--he was good!!!
Baptists really miss out on a lot of that. I remember when I was a kid when a lot of kids came to school with the ash cross on their forehead and I didn't know why.
I got a kick out of your story about Maundy Thursday at the tavern and had to read it to Hubby. Sounds like a great way to show non-believers that Christians are still just normal people.
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