Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Getting old ...

Open ended statement you fill in the negative words you wish.  I'm trying to keep this blog G-rated.  I know what my statement completion.

I had the opportunity to add yet another physician to my stable.  Let's see:  general physician, cardiologist, dermatologist, pain management,oncologist, dermatologist, orthopedics (two of them), and NOW we have a nephrologist.  And my GP wants me to go to an endocrinologist.  Nope - not yet!

At the first of the year, my GP ran his battery of tests.  Apparently there was a lot of protein in my urine.  Six weeks later, it dropped 50%, but still high.  So I was referred.

I went today.  Now I have to go for a kidney ultrasound and see him back in a month.  Geesh!  I am getting so tired of going to the doctor.  What's more I am really tired of the lab tests.

Oh yes, I love, love, love getting older.



yellowdoggranny said...

YUP.. I have a foot dr. a urologist, a diabetic dr., my GP, and any in between..I wish they were all one dr and here in west so I dont' have to drive all the way across waco..sigh*

JuJu said...

If only you could earn points for seeing the doctor. You'd have earned all sorts of free stuff by now!

It's like keeping the car tuned up. Ya gots to do what ya gots to do.