Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back again

Hello there, let me introduce myself since I haven't been around here for a long time ... Well, it's almost that bad! The wonderful Swiss Army Knife of a mobile phone isn't ! Their internet coverage reached about half way to the SSB. That meant DAYS without the internet, and alas without being here!

When we got home, the backup battery was buzzing, a fact that took me about 15 minutes to diagnose. I went through each and every electrical thing in the study. I finally tugged on a cord in that sea of cords under my computer desk, and it let up. Ummm. I may be on to something here. So I pulled the backup/serge protector out and it was what was buzzing. Yeah - I am electrical wizard!

Then I looked at the new modem. It was dark. No lights happily dancing across the front of that black box. I unplugged it - I was sure. It still didn't light up with its happy little lights winking at me. Obviously, it was Comcast's fault. After all they have been here twice for it not working. First time they replaced a cable. Second time it was a cable and the modem. Their fault for sure.

So yesterday, I called and told them it was dead, dead, dead. And I was sure this is the problem because they have been out, and I checked it. It was dead. They said they would be out today. TODAY! Wow! That's a miracle. So I went to move some of the sundry wires and cables about - push them further to the back - and I thought I would re-connect the modem. You guessed it. It looked like a Christmas tree. So I told them "something had come up" and I had to cancel. Well - it was true! Sorta.

Later I decided to try to install the new router. I tried the new (old) computer that G brought from work - free. We installed Windows and thought we were on our way. It has been a paper weight for quite a while now. I was going to hook it up, and I did. Today I tried to go on line. I don't have the necessary drivers. Well, how 'bout that.

I went back to the old stand by. Re-hooked all her lifelines. Tried to go on line. I can 't. I have to call Comcast after all. Seems these days when you change hard wire hook-ups with different computers - the setting on the modem are wrong. I can't get that one on-line either.

So, ladies and gentlemen. We present Grandma K by way of the wonderful Sprint network. It works like a dream in the city. Oh well. Hello, Comcast? Yes, perhaps you CAN help me over the phone.

Peace be with you.


Judy said...

ARGGH--I hate computer/electronics problems!!!

ComcastCares1 said...

Sorry for the trouble. I work for Comcast. Feel free to email us at the email provided below:)

We are here to help.

Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations