Friday, March 09, 2012


I did get my back injections today.  I went to an out patient surgery center for this procedure - not a back room, albeit sterile I think, to get two (?) injections to relieve my back pain.

I had been to this out patient center before.  It was years ago, before the Big M, and I was having some problems.  My ob/gyn at the time wanted to do a good Dusting and Cleaning.  

All went well - I guess.  I awoke finally.  I was sore - and never figured why I was so sore, but it seemed that as soon as my eyes were open, I was out of recovery and shoved into the car.  I was still so drugged that I could hardly walk.

When I had these treatments at TPS, I was awake as soon as the procedure was over - in fact, I rolled myself onto the returning stretcher. That didn't happen today.  I really don't remember exactly how I woke and figured where I was.  I was offered something to drink.  They got my vitals, settled a few more people in the recovery room, and then brought me my clothes.

Let me tell you - it was the D&C all over again.  I felt like I was on the biggest drunk of my life.  No wonder they wouldn't let me leave on my own.  If this stuff showed on a breath-a-lyzer, I would be put under the jail.  I am sure it shows up on the blood tests.  I was really gone!

But it's done.  My back already feels better, and I am to call the office  next Friday to give them my results!  That will be interesting because we will be in Alpine, Texas if not still aboard the train.

We are taking the grandkids (Daughter's three - plus the parents) on the Amtrak to Alpine.  They have never been on a train - ANY of them.  I really want them to experience train travel.  I just hope it's a good trip. Our train group is going, and we thought this would be fun.  We are just going to Alpine, laying over a night or two, and then coming right back.  It will amount to 3-4 days.  

Anyway, I am hoping for the best from this series of injections.  They worked before.  I don't have to take all the meds.  Yea!  I love this doctor!

And thanks to all of you saying a prayer for Larry and his family.  He hasn't been told yet - thank goodness.  He doesn't need to know - really.  Having been there, I don't think I would have wanted to know if it was that bad.  That may still come, but I hope it does before I am sliced and diced like his first surgery, and then this last one added.  Too much suffering already.  But, again, thanks!



JuJu said...

What an adventure you had today! I'm so happy for you that things seemed to have worked.

I did tell you we're doing a train trip from SEattle to Vancouver, right? Granted, it's only a 3 hour trip, but I figured it was a start. :-)

Go get over that drug hangover baby!

yellowdoggranny said...

good for you..glad it's giving you some relief..feel better.

Judy said...

I sure hope the injections help AND I prefer to be "out" with those big needles going in my back!