Since I finally got off my dead rear to download some pictures, I thought I would go ahead and bore you.
Her little sister. The kids had not gotten antsy yet. They were still looking for an adventure.
"Our" train as it departs Alpine, Texas on its way to L.A. It doesn't show, but there are cars with windows on the bottom. That is where we sat. It was sweet!
Kids and mom. What a crew!
Ft, Texas. Rugged beauty. G and I went there on our honeymoon back in the dark ages
The newest Junior rangers. They took the tour, and used the little scavenger hunt provided to them. I think they got a little un-nerved by the fact there might be spirits still around the old hospital.
Blurry - taken from the truck at 70mph. This is around Brenham, Tx - the self proclaimed bluebonnet capital of Texas.
This is Lange's Mill on Threadgill Creek in Gillespie County. It belongs to my family. My Great, great grandfather settled here after coming to the US in 1835 with the Krisch family. They were all first in San Antonio, but he and his brother in law bought this mill, and moved. His eldest daughter stayed, and married my Great grandfather from the other family! Distant cousins still live on this land. Poor quality picture - I snapped it as we were getting ready to cross the bridge.
You really can't see just how high the weeds are here. This is the hunter's cabin. It looks really bad in this picture! Really it's not! If you look carefully, the porch should be about a foot above the surrounding soil.
Well - I have bored you silly. Hope you read this post before retiring for the night. It should work like a sleeping pill!!
No! I love it. More More More! I love being able to see the photos behind your words. Even though your words describe it so well, it's always so fun to see the photos.
What a glorious history you have!
And, the blue bonnets. I must see them in person.
You didn't bore me silly, I enjoy hearing your adventures. I MUST go on a train sometime!
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