Saturday, February 24, 2007

It is done

I am home again - a little worst for wear than when I left for the hospital and surgery, I am quite lopsided with the right breast removed, and the surgeon did, indeed, remove more lymph nodes.

His timing was absolutely fantastic. Just before I was given the "happy shot" to relax me before the real anesthesia, he dropped the bomb on me that there was one mini microscopic tumor found in one of the eight lymph nodes that he removed to weeks ago during the lumpectomy. That really does great things for the spirit, you know?

I suppose the surgery went well. I have two drains inserted that have a stitch to hold them in place. One of those stitches is right where I bend when I lean over. It really hurts.

To even things up, the left side has the port for the chemo inserted. It feels great too!

I should be thankful that the prognosis DOES look positive, but sometimes circumstances are a bit overwhelming. Cognitively, I feel things are going to be fine. While I am down here in the trenches, my emotions are not up there with the brain.

I go to the oncologist a week from Monday. Then the next piece of the puzzle will be put into place. I am guessing it will be the rounds of chemo, followed by radiation. I just am not sure about the five years of hormone therapy however.

I guess I'll find out.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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