Whoa, hold on tight as the pendulum swings the other direction. I saw my Swiss oncologist with the nicest French accent today. I love to listen to him speak, but I would rather hear more pleasant news from him.
The preliminary pathology reports are back from the tumor. It was almost twice as large as the mammogram and ultrasound showed. It was about 4 cm. It also wasn’t a nice little lump, it had tentacles that reached out into the other cysto-fibrotic tissue that makes up my breasts. It could have little ones hiding out in that nice dense tissue.
So what this means is that the breast and I will be parting company. The decision is now is it chemo and then mastectomy, or is it mastectomy them chemo. I for one would rather have the surgery then the chemo. My illustrious physicians will have to have really good reasons for the chemo first.
I see the surgeon tomorrow for the results. I don’t yet know if this includes the gene results or not. As it stands at this point, the lymph node still appears clean, but as the oncologist said, they are using different stains to "look for the needle in the haystack."
I guess I’ll have more information tomorrow after meeting with the surgeon. As for now, I’m just clutching onto that pendulum.
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