Friday, March 13, 2009


It is definitely Friday the 13th. The alarm went off this morning. My sleepy brain told me is was Saturday. I turned the alarm OFF! I blisfully went back to sleep thinking what a wonderful time to snuggle deeper into the covers and sleep. It is "cold" - low fortys, and rainy (thank you God).

About 7ish, I heard George in the dressing area. I peeked out at the clock and wondered why George was up, but when I saw he was dressing, I was really confused. Did he have some early morning appointment I had forgotten? Nope - he was dressing for work - an hour late.

I thought spending THE time change at the SSB would help. I thought I would be more into the change. I was wrong. When we got back here on Tuesday, my body was definitely on standard time. At bedtime, I was still ready to go. I read for a while. It got later and later. I read and read. Finally i turned off the light. Then I tossed and turned. About an hour later the light was turned on again. But my eyes were smart enough to realize they should be shut, so I turned the light off again.

Wednesday night brought the same thing. Only this time I was at a really good part of the mystery I was reading. I kept turning pages rapt with the action. Then it was up early so I could get to the lab for the fasting blood work.

Last night, I did fall asleep earlier, but this morning . . . Oh, this morning. Well, I thought the two days he stayed late would cover it. Guess not. Let's say I am a little in the dog house. Move over Simone!


1 comment:

Judy said...

I still can't get use to the time change--almost a week now. I stayed with a couple of grandkids the last two days--had to get up at 5:30 a.m. so I would be awake enough to drive grandson to his bus stop at 6:30. It is very dark at that time of day--UGH. I may have NO trouble sleeping tonight.