First and foremost, I am always reminded how fragile life is. My BFF's (even though we really don't talk often, email often or see each other - I know, strange) husband fell at home a few months ago. He broke his hip, some ribs and the like. He was lying there all day because with a broken hip , well...
My son texted me a Facebook posting from one of her sons. It was that E was going to have a double by-pass a couple of days ago along with an aortic valve possibly thrown in for good measure. Then yesterday, he posted that his dad has gotten SIX (yes six!!!) transfusions because they can't stop the bleeding, his kidneys are still wonky, and there is a terrible amount of fluid on his lungs - thus still on a ventilator. Plus, as one would imaging, he looks terrible.
His other son is a physician, and I imagine he is about to go nuts. He lives about an hour and a half from here, and I congratulate him on not dropping his practice to come and oversee his dad's care. I texted my friend, and she said he is improving, but this is a woman who will not ask for help. A few years ago, when she was having terrible breathing difficulty, drive herself to the ER. What can I say there.
So if you believe, say a few extra prayers for E. If you don't believe in prayer, send him some good karma or any other good thoughts.
I forgot to add while we were at the SSB, after our guest hunter loaded up her deer and drove away, G took Clyde for a walk. They were between the retaining wall on the north side of the house and the "barn" when Clyde got really interested in something. About that time, G recognized the diamond pattern in the grass. There was about a five foot rattlesnake stretched out by the wall. Usually it would have coiled in preparation to strike, but I guess it was a little too cool, and the snake was sluggish - thank heavens.
Clyde still needs obedience training, and he didn't want to break from his "trail." G was about to carry him up the steps. G was the one wisely scared out of his mind! He came in to get the pistol, and went back - no more snake.
This is getting really bad. Especially since the next day or so, they were walking across the front of the house, and there was another rattler headed for the house. This one was about 19 inches. By the time he got the shot gun, it was gone.
Needless to say, we are really on alert when we are outside these days. Clyde is certainly going to snake school. They do use a shock collar, but that will be much less harmful than the snake bite. And as soon as he is cleared of this heart worm treatment, he will get the rattlesnake vaccine.
Shopping trip today to get the faucets for the bath remodel. Really neat shower heads! Fortunately, I am not changing cabinets, dressing area lights, the faucet in the hall bath, and the bathtub in the hall bath. My dream of the handicapped tub is just that. $6000 is just too rich. So I have convinced myself that sitting waiting for the water, using THAT much water, then waiting for it to drain isn't something I really want to do. The sitting in the water would be great, but there is just too much with that tub. Plus I would have to clean those hoses for the bubbles, and I am sure that the door will eventually leak.
In addition to having to learn Windows 8, I decided that since my virus protection upgraded to cover Windows 8.1, I would do the free update to Windows 8.1. Ain't nothin' free in this world. While I didn't have to pay a penny, the time invested was terrible. After the download, then it had to install, and install, and install, and then tweek and tweek. All in all, it was 45 minutes post installation. Geesh!
So that's my life today. We had no flooding problems, and most of the area didn't have too much. Austin was hit HARD! Especially toward the east - like Pflugerville area.
I get the creepy crawlies up my legs just reading about your snakes! I would be so afraid they could get up into the house someway--I even fear that here and all we have are non-poisonous snakies. They just creep me out so bad!!!
Here's the solution for you: HOT TUB! I bet you would really enjoy that??!!
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