Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

All is good today! Simone, luck dog, slept all day yesterday. G said she is used to sleeping all night - not riding around. I think the medication she was given also had something to do with her fatigue.

My fatigue is leaving. I was able to sleep for another hour and a half after G left for work. I could have stayed asleep for another four hours, but I would never get to sleep tonight. I’m just glad I got a little more sleep!

I’m beginning to feel better there being a plane actually scheduled to go to Las Angeles Sunday. In fact, when I went to the web site, it showed only one seat available. Yea! We may make it there. Now I’m hoping to get back. Always the worrier. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it! I’ll feel better when I have the tickets and boarding pass in my hot hands!

I don’t think we will be taking advantage of a free meal at step-bro’s new restaurant. It is two hours from Disneyland, and they open at 6pm. Perhaps we will get to see them however - even without eating at the place.

Things are looking up here in the attic. Hope you are getting your place in order too!

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