Monday, October 17, 2011

Again - a change

Well, the president of the rescue group assured me that my vet really was too cautious.  She told me of her history, and she remembers my Simone from when she was a foster.  I know she wouldn't knowingly lead me astray.

So here's the latest.  Daughter has decided she isn't afraid of any old kennel cough.  She thinks old King is healthy enough to withstand the risk.  She also said (and this will sound harsh - but she doesn't mean is) that he is 14 after all.  She really wants to include Angelica in her family.

So I have been texting Debbie.  Angelica is going to the other house this afternoon.  Angelica also seems to have weathered the worst too.  She is not coughing as much.  She will when she gets excited.

So we are off to the SSB for a week.  I have the name of a good vet in Fredericksburg.  I will use him is needed.  Shadow is still on top of the china cabinet.  He spent the night in the utility room - with food, water and litter.  He isn't eating his dry food, but had a can of wet yesterday.

I hope he gets over being on top of the china cabinet though.  I have breakables up there.  This isn't good - at all.

Now life can get back to normal - whatever that is around here.

I will be out of pocket for a while.  I will post when I can.  Have a good week.


JuJu said...

Seriously, Angelica was meant to be in your family; one way or another.

fingers crossed that Shadow comes down soon!

Cheyenne said...

God bless you, and I hope all returns to normal soon. Poor kitty. They are so vulnerable to so much and it doesn't take much to get them stressed and upset. I do hope Shadow is back to her old self soon, too. I felt bad for Angelica but I feel so much better now knowing she will be well cared for, kennel cough be damned.