Thursday, July 15, 2010

Look out clutter!

For about ten years, clutter has been residing here, inviting friends in. It is sort of like a flop house for that mess. After all, who was around to check credentials on that s**t. The man of the house was rather oblivious, or at least that's the way it seems. He easily ignores the build up, and his hands are never fouled by touching it. The woman of the house was too busy at that time to check it. She was handling a 1 year old toddler and a 92 year old toddler who at least was in a care facility. The clutter seemed to be sneaky slipping in when no one was home.

After a bit, the 2 year old toddler went to day care, but the 93 year old was still around and had to be check on. There was a new shady character coming in, this time attacking the knees of the woman. it brought a friend - the sciatica that attacked the lower back and right leg. She soon had trouble walking and standing. The clutter - well it was reproducing at an alarming rate. Real, live people really weren't welcomed into the house with that nasty clutter.

The woman managed to keep things sanitary, but the clutter was there. Sometimes it was moved to the office. It couldn't be moved upstairs because the clutter left by the children when they returned to home was there. There wasn't much room, but some found it's way there anyway.

Then after all those years, the woman decided that she really didn't want to become wheel chair bound because she couldn't stand or walk long. She went to the magic doctor who went right after those non-working knees. He also referred her to another doctor who began working on the spine that had bone pushing on nerves and was narrowing the spine. He helped take the pain from the back and leg.

So now the woman is able to focus on her surroundings. She is sick of the clutter. She is getting organized, and has a plan for attacking that unwanted guest. Is she organized? Really? Yes. Look at the schedule. Look at her calendar. Even look at her penmanship. All that is different. It is very organized.

Clutter, haven't you noticed you've lost some friends all over the house. They are gone. They aren't coming back. As new clutter tries to come in and get settled in, it is escorted right out - either the trash or the recycling bin. It never has a chance to meet other clutter and form a family. You old guys over there in the corner, your time is limited. You are going to be history!

Peace be with you!


Marti said...

Yes ma'am, I'm right there with you! Except I don't really have a plan. I've been mentally writing a blog post on clutter, both mine & my mom's, but I wanted to have a plan before I published it. Wanna share your plan with me? That unwelcome guest is taking up all my space, both mental and physical.

Grandma K said...

Marti, I don't have much of a plan, but I know myself well (miracle, after 64 years???). I have a room set aside each day. I will probably only spend 15-20 minutes there because I will get bored. It won't all get done immediately, but I really can get quite a lot done in the 15 minutes! Like today I got a lot done in the den while waiting on this slow computer to do what it needed to.

Susan Adcox said...

What a great post! Yes, certain things do seem to multiply around my house, too, and it's never money (except for loose change)!

Judy said...

15 minutes for each task and it will get done. Inch by inch, anything's a cinch. Maybe when I get my hip done I can weed the gardens? That is where my clutter is.