Monday, July 03, 2006

Oh my!

Things are becoming interesting around the old homestead. First, I have been doing battle with Della the besk top once again. I think she is going through menopause, and is becoming increasingly cranky. Saturday she decided that I should no longer access my mailbox that I have through me server. In fact, as that program began to boot, she gave me the message that my account does not allow that access. I finally got the tool bar back, but it just impotently sits there. As I write this I can just imagine what searches are going to end up here!

I thought I had solved the problem late last night when I finally made the big jump to Firefox. I am a faithful girl even though Firefox had been greeting me every morning there on the desk top, but not being too forward. It just flirted with me. It invited me over for coffeem but never crossed the line. It just sat there - waiting. So yesterday I divorced Explorer. Things were super - for a while. But now the tool bar is once again just impotently sitting there. Mocking me.

Now, the real problem I suspect is with Della herself. When she died last month and the guru in India allowed a technician to actually come to revive her, it was only a brief cure. It just got the heart started, but the brain damage was still there. When Technician One came out, he had a power supply AND a motherboard. The problem was the power supply transplant was a dud. That meant I had to have Technician Two who brought the same transplants. Once he got the heart started, he throught the brain was ok. Della has not been the same since. She is increasingly shutting me out of things.

I once was able to write my post in WordPerfect and copy and paste. Nope that is not allowed. I don't know if it is Della or Firefox or for that matter Blogger. So I have to write on the final copy. But then the new girl in the house does the same thing. Gladys doen't let me cut and paste. I also just discovered Della is not letting spell check work. Great. Sorry folk for the typos. I can't type, and I am the world's worst proof reader. That is a terrible combination.

My mother was so afraid that I would become a secretary, she always turned me away from typing classes. Of course when I DID take the college route - before PC's - she refused to type my papers! If she only knew the disparity in salaries of Executive Secretaries and teachers! But that's another story!

All I can say for sure is that my extended warranty is not up yet, and I plan to extend it.

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