Thursday, April 22, 2010

I think there is a connection

Last month, I had a headache. One that sent me to bed on several occasions, and lasted several days. I don't recall if it was about the time of the last injections or not. But "it's back!"

It all began last night. As I was getting ready for bed, it came tip-toeing into my head. I took my evening handful of pills, and got into the bed. I tried to read a bit, but the fatigue I felt the last time, coupled with the encroaching pain, I turned out the light and fell asleep.

I slept soundly until 6:25 when the blasted radio alarm went off. I like a more calm music, but G likes old rock. I hate it, but I do have to let him have some things he wants. I would have liked to lingered a lot longer, but I finally pulled myself from the sheets when he asked if I were still alive. I guess that is an important question these days.

The headache isn't full blown like last time. It is lurking there. It is in the upper left of the cranium and behind my eyes.

I do wonder if it is connected with the injections. I don't think the actual spine is involved in the injections, and when I had the epidural for the knee replacement, I didn't get a headache. I just wonder if it might be the nasal cannula for the oxygen - or even the oxygen itself. It seems to make the sinuses rebel.

I don't know. I just hope it doesn't hang around hang around for days this time!

Peace be with you.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I suppose you could call the place you had the injections and ask? Probably nothing, but...