Friday, March 02, 2018

Little things can mean a lot

While I was at the water polo game, G took our recycling out front.  He saw a couple walking two Boxers, and was, of course, interested.  He didn't recognize them, and I don't blame him.  He only met them once.

It was the couple who are friends (and one a classmate) of my daughter.  They had fallen on really hard times a few years ago.  They had lost their jobs and were near eviction from their home.  They had only one vehicle and it was so hard to even look for work for both of them.

We had just purchased our SUV, and we weren't going to get but about $1500 for my beloved Pontiac.  We hate trying to sell a car outright.  There are just too many horror stories - one included when we sold one that never had the title changed on!  That Pontiac was the epitome of the vehicle "driven by the little old lady school teacher to and from school!"  And school was about 5 miles from home.  It was in impeckable shape.

To cut to the chase - we gave this couple the car. 

They live about three blocks from us on a cul-de-sac, so we really don't ever go by their house. We heard from our daughter the car was saved during Harvey.  Their house got water in it, but that little green Gran Prix was saved!

After tslking with them, G found the husband still drives that car daily to and from work!  I am so happy we did this one bit of paying it forward.  That act was never about doing anything for us.  It was to help a good but struggling family get back on their feet.  It still can make me happy though - especially because that was the car of my dreams when I bought it!  I am so happy it still lives and is functional!


Marti said...

That is so nice of you! Did the couple pull out of their financial hole? You may never know how they pass something along to the next person who needs it, but you have another star in your crown.

Judy said...

We just never know what kind of an influence we are having on people.
You had a good one!