Friday, September 02, 2011

Too much to hope for

Once again, our hopes have been dashed.  I probably won't get a drop of rain from this storm.  It, too, is going to our east, therefore, no rain and higher temperatures because all the moisture will be pulled to the storm.

I should have known as much.  At the end of the week, all we could do was watch our rain chances dwindle.  We are  not on water conservation.  That means we can water only on Tuesday and Fridays, and something like 12:00 midnight to 9 am, and some other time in the evening.

Well - enough for that.  Shadow certainly didn't leave my side too often last night.  He plastered himself right up against me.  That cat is one hot body.  Just what I needed!  He probably won't get anywhere near the bed when it gets cold!

Daughter and I went out to get more supplies today.  I have to get the pictures posted sometime.  Actually, I need to get photos TAKEN sometime.  She took the one of Lady Bug's dress that I finished last Saturday.  I haven't been back up there except to get thread colors I need for the embroidery of the shells on the baptism blankets.

I guess this weekend I will lock  myself up and work of dresses.  Now if I can get an inventory up so I can sell some of those suckers!

Have a good holiday.  I will probably not catch up with you until Monday evening or Tuesday morning - unless I have another animal incident where said animal wants to confess his or her stupidity!



Susan Adcox said...

We did get rain this weekend! Woohoo! And it is cool today. What a wonderful Labor Day gift.

Marti said...

The cool front is supposed to hit us tonight. I hope it makes it down to you. I am soooo looking forward to the relief, but so far the winds have been a bit strong. Not a good mix with dry, brittle grass and a few sparks.

Cheyenne said...

It really is a pity...we are getting more rain than we know what to do with causing the ground that is already saturated to develop into flooding once again. It is supposed to rain for the entire week. I just don't understand why we are getting way too much and you guys are getting nothing at all.