Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ch ch ch changes

We changed our minds about trekking off to the hinterlands this week.  There were several factors involved in this decision.  Not least among them was Simone and her "buddy."  I was having visions of her trying to get loaded into the truck, and then riding for five to six hours.  I had thought about leaving her part of the back seat up because G sometimes stops short and quickly, and she falls to the floor.  But then I thought of having the cat carrier on the other part of the seat, and the seat being up.  A vision of Simone trying to ride ON TOP of the cat carrier also came to mind.  Not a pretty sight!

We called the furniture store in Kerrville where we ordered new chairs for the dining table.  The ones we have I have always hated.  They are the most uncomfortable things ever manufactured on the face of the earth.  My dad made this table - using a sheet of plywood.  So it is 6x8.  He did a masterful job on it.  It was in the lake house, and while we just left a lot of the furniture there (a goodly portion had been destroyed either by the vandals directly, or by exposure to the elements with the windows that were broken out), I couldn't leave this table.

The chairs, however ...  My mother found them.  They are ladder back with rattan seats.  They are from Mexico, and were exactly what she wanted.  They have little knobs from the legs that are sticking up on the front of the seats that gouge into your thighs when you sit in them.  With our tile floor, G invariably will get up and push the chair back too quickly,  The back leg grabs in the grout line, and over the chair goes with a "whap."  So we went to buy new ones (I could have bought two tables to go with them for the same price.  (Shameful!)

We called yesterday.  The chairs are in, but cannot be delivered until the 22nd.  So putting all things together, we are staying here until next Tuesday.

Simone is still miserable.  I called the vet's office.  She has to wear this collar until the stitches come out.  Another reason to postpone the trip.  Those buggers can come out sooner.  So Monday is the target date.

She decided that 2:30 this morning was the time to get up.  I think her ear itched something fierce.  Of course between her bouncing off all the furniture like a pinball, and the thump, thump of her foot on the plastic collar, I was wide awake.  How many days again???

I am so lazy about downloading pictures from the camera.  I know it is easy, but it't not as easy as I want it.  I will do that later today.  I will have some pictures tomorrow - one of my poor baby, and some of the SSB in the more recent better times there.  When it was green instead of dirt red and burned vegetation yellow.



JuJu said...

when you start downloading pictures, be sure to take one of the kitchen table. It sounds really neat! (and of course, the new chairs!)

I am sure Simone will appreciate not having to travel as she recuperates!

yellowdoggranny said...

i used to have one of those mexican chairs..they are horrible.want to see the table.