My memory and alertness came to mind when I went to the drug pushers today. A little old lady (she is much older than I so that will apply) came in to the waiting room. She told the one at the window she needed a new prescription.
With all the fake pain clinics around - you know the ones that give mega doses to anyone who is able to walk in and swear that they are in pain - this clinic does not just give out prescriptions. I wondered why she could get her prescriptions filled at Walgreen's. She sat down to begin her elaboration to anyone who would listen. I feigned complete interest in my book. I wasn't distracted by anything! Certainly by this lady. Come to find out she is on a morphine pump, oral morphine and something else. And the drove herself. Apparently she gave the pharmacist the three scripts. They said she didn't give them one of her morphine. I don't know which one.
I am concerned about the amount of drugs in my body! Holy morphine, I can only imagine. The Mexican man sitting on her other side was trying so hard to be good to this lady, and he got trapped! Her Rolator (walker with seat) was all wrong for her. He looked at it trying to fix it. He was so sweet. But then he had the opportunity to hear all about her morphine; all about that Walgreens; all about the Rolator.
One of her statements stopped me cold. She can open the Rolator without difficulty, she just can't put it back in her car. That got me to thinking about all of us legal druggies. We are turned out in the traffic all day long on clinic days. I'm glad John Q. Public doesn't know about us. I know I am "under the influence" and I am more wary. I keep my eyes on the road, and I am aware of what's around me. I don't think this little lady is able to be aware of what's around her. Her age appeared to be easily mid-80's. That is a time when the family (are you listening kids - mine I mean) needs to take a cold, hard look at her abilities.
So, that was my morning. I sat in the waiting room for an hour and 45 minutes. I saw someone in the back. I think he was a physician. He asked me if I had numbness in my feet or legs, and that was it. They even brought my next appointment card to me. I went to pick up my drugs, and the little guy that was there for months is gone. I guess they could see what a mess he had going. The time in the examining room and the prescription area probably wasn't longer than 15 minutes. Makes you wonder doesn't it.
Peace be with you.
Yep, it sure does!
Add those folks to all the kids texting, and no one is safe on the road anymore.
I don't have to drive these days; my husband does all the driving. He's a truck driver so I feel fairly safe but I do worry about the other drivers and all the things they have going on. Scary.
My Mom had Alzheimer's so they say, and I just hope to heck I don't get it. I try to keep my brain busy most of the day.
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