Friday, October 25, 2019

House inspection day

We just returned from being with the inspector for four hours on the other house,  He is THOROUGH and I love it.  Great guy.  We were there for four hours or more.  I was feeling sorry for the woman who lives there.  They were gone - she is being treated for stage four ovarian cancer and is not doing well.

He did find some biggie deficiencies that we can address with negotiations on the closing costs.  But his final statement was that HE would buy that house if he were buying, so that speaks volumes.

The longer I was in the house today the more it grew on me.  Yes, we are losing 700 square feet - which means the equivalent of a couple of rooms.  But there are some things that actually are better.  It is a give and take.  That comes with any downsizing.  It certainly didn't show as dark as it did over the weekend.  Perhaps because this cold front brought rainy dismal weather.  But with my table lamps, it will work just fine.  This present house is BRIGHT!

We had a scare Tuesday when my pool company came to look at that pool.  There is equipment that is broken and missing, but they said they couldn't replaster because the pool was coming out of the ground.  I sent the pictures to a pool builder and they said they really believe the deck is sunken more than the pool rising.  I looked at it today and I don't think that is what is happening.  Neither does the inspector who we didn't have him add the real inspection report.  Sooo.  That is one huge amount we are not looking at having to do.

With all that - it looks like closing will be early December.  I hope Christi (the owner) lives that long for many reasons.  I don't want to have to wait for probate, but I want her to be able to move to Abiline and spend her days with her grandchildren. My heart breaks for her.


Jeanette said...

Glad your inspection went well. I hope you post pictures when the time comes. So sad about the owner of the house though.

Marti said...

Oh my, I have really been absent. I didn't know you were actually going to make the move. But a fall down stairs, even if it is just a step, is something to consider. I don't envy you moving in December though, but I guess it's not that cold there. Do you need to do any updating before you move in? Good luck on the closing!