Saturday, April 14, 2018

Latest happenings

THE EYE!  It is continuing to improve.  I am beginning to get to the end of the drops.  Next week I will be down to one drop per day.  And I am really happy about that!  Now I am ready for her to do the vision exam so I can get the lens in my glasses changed and perhaps see out of that eye.

My vision in that eye will never be normal because that eye is no longer normal.  Back in 2000 when it was finally discovered that I had an aneurysm, it was treated with a laser, but the retina is now distorted.  The doctor at the time was amazed that I have the vision I have.  So I am not expecting crystal clear nondistorted vision.  It will always be sort of like a funhouse mirror. 

OLDEST CHILD ILL!  My oldest - you know the 73-year-old male, has a cold.  He thinks he is going to die.  When he speaks, it is a low mumble.  I almost wish I were the one with the cold.  We are on day three, so the symptoms should be subsiding soon - I hope.

That's what is happening around this place.  Some good, some not so good!


Marti said...

I'm sorry your vision will never be the same normal as other people, but I hope it gets back to your normal soon. Glad to see there is improvement. Your hubby isn't a good patient eh? I sure hope you don't get it next.

Jeanette said...

Glad your eye is getting better. I hope your oldest child is better soon, too! Men can't handle being sick. There are a lot of funny things going around Facebook about just that thing!