Monday, January 23, 2012

Sibling rivalry

Ah - what a deep subject for a Monday morning.  It is a subject that I have no personal knowledge of other than my own children since I was an only child.  I see it with G at times.  Whether is was his perception of his mother's actions or not, I know he will occasionally make statements that could be construed as springing from sibling rivalry.  I think that is not the case - I knew the witch for 42 years.  She didn't like any of this family.  My question is rather rhetorical I guess because of my previous statement, but does it ever end?

Daughter had not gotten out to meet the newest baby in the family.  I know she is busy, but ...  So I asked her if she would host family dinner last night since her dad wasn't feeling well and didn't want to infect six children.  She launched into such a tirade!

She had contacted DIL on Saturday asking if it would be ok to come out that afternoon to meet #6.  DIL said it really wasn't because Son had a gig at a BBQ cook off.  Family dinner was brought up, and DIL made a comment along the lines they hadn't decided what they were going to do, but she would let Daughter know Sunday morning.

About 1, Son called me to tell me his had scored a couple of briskets at the cook off, and he would bring one.  When I talked to G later, we decided that (1) it was Daughter's turn to host, and (2) we weren't.  So then I made "The Call."

What a storm I stepped into there.  She was furious with DIL and Son for waiting so long.  They had started pork already.  On and on she went.  I finally just flat told her to let me get a word in.

After a bit, she called and apologized to me.  But, you know, the damage really had been done.  I felt terrible about the situation.  I wish I had the nerve to tell her that she had been wrong for not making time to go out to see the baby.  I know her reaction was partially out of guilt with the situation.  But still.  Even her kids were taking the brunt of all this.

She is so jealous of her brother at times.  There is no reason at all.  They have always been treated equally, and if it was unequal, she usually had the better times.  Son doesn't seem to have these feelings.  He is pretty even tempered - until something really gets to him.  Even then, he blows up and it's over.

Daughter is looking closely at 40.  I can't help but wonder if there might be some peri-menopausal stuff going on there.  I don't know, but this stuff is really getting to me!

Better things to think of - our Pastor was absolutely amazed at the working of the women's group with out initial meeting.  He saw positive things happening the entire time we were together.  My co-conspirator was furious he was there.  She felt he dominated the meeting.  I told her for this first one, it was fine.  I wanted him to see that we were a good thing for the church.  If he comes in the next time, we will politely tell him to get a plate of food and leave!  So there were good things happening on Sunday too!



JuJu said...

As a general rule, us gals tend to be more emotional than the boys. Add a dose of guilt to that, and BAM. Tears are bound to flow.

I always figure there's something behind the story that's bothering her. She's probably not really upset about the dinner, but something else and she's letting it out on the dinner situation? And, of course you, because you're safe. Armchair psychology. :-)

Did you get to eat the brisket??

Marti said...

I had a brother, and we were never close. Just starting to mend fences when he had an accident that would eventually take his life. There are so many times I wish we had had happier times when he was alive, and so many times now when I wish I had a brother, or even a sister. Sibling rivalry is tough, but losing the sibling is worse. Maybe your dd will come to realize that before it's too late.