Thursday, November 09, 2006

Good weather brings sad people

As the days rush toward the end of the month, which signals the end of hurricane season, you can see the weather people around here becoming more and more dejected. The impossible has happened. No major hurricanes. No mass destruction.

They have had to, instead, focus on some locally drenching thunderstorms which produced some localized street and small stream flooding. There was no washing away of homes. No power outages lasting for weeks. There was no major story, but they surely tried to make one.
With every cold front that approaches, you can see the gleam begin to flicker in their beady little eyes. They are trying to salvage stories of destruction. Perhaps this one will be the front that stalls, then backs up bringing with it even more rain - more flooding.

When the day turn off clear and crisp, the disappointment is palpable. It hangs in the air for all to see. So they turn to the fact that it will heat up during the day. We will reach into the mid 80's today - with a wide grin It’s as if to say "you people won’t be treading water, but you will be sweating."

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