I need to add to yesterday’s post. Simone didn’t just suddenly develop a sensitive stomach. She was helped - a lot. G changed her food to "sensitive stomach." We didn’t take any with us because we had a lot in the freezer. It was not for sensitive stomachs. In addition, he rewarded her about five times with "cookies" (otherwise known as dog biscuits). She was completely overwhelmed, or at least her stomach was. It couldn’t handle all the changes.
Oh and by the way, the carpet cleaner worked like a champ. All stains are removed from the carpet. It looks brand new again.
I think instead of calling it "little place" it will now be known as the SSB ranch. That means stick, sting and bite because every living thing there either sticks, stings and/or bites!
Anyway, at SSB we get the Austin local channels as our local satellite channels. I could not believe one of their bozo weather forecasters who kept hoping for a disturbance in the Gulf so they could get a little rain. I know it’s dry in central Texas, but come on folks. Last Thursday we had five inches from an offshore low. Do we really wish destruction on the rest of us here on the Gulf coast?
I’ve been sitting here trying to think of something of like sort to wish on him! I can’t think of anything. But I think I will ask him to come to sit with my house if the storm comes this way. That way he can enjoy the power outages, rain and humidity. I'll sit in his air conditined house in parched Austin!
We had a heat wave a few weeks ago here, but I think at the moment, we're like the only place in the country enjoying cool breezes and temps in the high 70's! We are very blessed this week!
Oh, and I read your comment on my blog and yes, I am also addicted to geneology too! It's one of my new passions...one more thing to keep me from housework! ;)
Oh Tammy, you may have set the entire country against you. I really wish I were where you are! I'm just glad our trip to Chicago didn't happen.
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