Monday, April 02, 2012

Quick hello

Just wanted to drop by to say "hi".  Since I stupidly left the Easter baskets for three of the grandkidlets at the SSB, I decided I was going to make Easter bags for all six. Am I behind, yeah, you might say so since I haven't even loaded the design on the USB stick to load into the sewing machine.

We had family dinner here last night.  At 12:30 while G and I were at our neighborhood Mexican restaurant still eating lunch post church, Daughter calls.  She asked if we could go to the airport to pick up Chef Andy - who wasn't supposed to be in until 7.

Being the Queen of Procrastination (yep - still not downloading or sewing), my house needed to be picked up (actually, burned to the ground to start over would be more like it) and vacuumed.  Even though 5/6th of the grandkiddlets are walkers, they still play on the floor.  So...

Anyway - so we went to pick up Chef Andy.  He is really a chef!  He and SIL were scheduled to go to A&M today to check out problems they are having with one of the ovens that their company sold A&M.  As usual - even though the plane wasn't late, they weren't in any hurry with the luggage.  Since Andy was coming here from his Utah ski trip - he had his ski bag.  Surely glad we have that Highlander now.

Of course, since I was having Sunday dinner - that meant Chef was coming to dinner.  I had already planned the menu with one exception.  I was fixing Mexican Shepard's Pie.  Good enough.  So I threw a salad together, then got the hair-brained idea to make corn bread.

I use a mix.  It was old.  I also may have mixed it too early.  Anyway, the two batches were more like flat bread.  It was terrible. Not a good showing for the chef.

But the evening was successful.  We got the house "clean" - at least part of it.  I vacuumed, cooked, and burned the wowie out of my thumb on the handle of the 475 degree cast iron skillet with the doomed corn bread in it.  All was right with the world.

So now I HAVE to get up to sewing.  I only have about four projects to sew to go into those bags that haven't been uploaded yet.  Neither have the projects.  Ah, well!!

Oh - and I got a quick trip in to the vet.  Simone isn't acting normal.  Or perhaps she is acting normally for a 8+ year old Boxer.  I just wanted to be proactive.  We get the lab results back tomorrow, but everything from the visit in normal.  Just $250.  What's money, right??



Jeanette said...

Yep! What's money when it comes to our beloved pets! Have a wonderful Easter. Your grand kids are lucky to have home made stuff from Grandma!

yellowdoggranny said...

I got exhausted just reading what all you did.

JuJu said...

I concur with Yellowdog Granny, I'm pooped just rEADING this post! I hope you will find some time to relax. Remember, you are retired!!

We had our cat at the vet today as well,same price. It must be a new standard price. Hope all is well with Simone. Our cat has dental work in store for her. She gets better treatment than the humans!