Friday, February 13, 2009

It will be the 18th

That's the date the newest grandchild is scheduled to make his/her appearance. Daughter in law went to her Ob/Gyn yesterday. She asked to be induced since her feet are like bubbles rather than feet. Before and when she got pregnant, she was absolutely against this. As time has gone on, she has grown weary of being pregnant. Yes, it does get old, doesn't it?

Her doctor told her the hospital wouldn't induce until she was 39 weeks. She reminded the doctor that would be Monday. So, it is set for her to go on Tuesday to get her papers, then show up at the hospital at 5 A.M. on Wednesday - that is if there is a bed. So that will be the fly in the ointment.

I was getting ready to work on my blog list that used to be over there on the left only to find it has disappeared. I don't know where it went, but it is simply gone. I guess I have done too much tweeking, and there simply wasn't enough room. Humm.

This month has been dental month for us. Most of us go to the same practice. C went two weeks ago, B and G went on Monday even though at different times and to different hygienists, and I went yesterday to the same one B had on Monday. The baby is the talk of that bunch!! Simone went today. I'm a little worried. She is not a young dog. Her actual age is a mystery, but I think she is about 8. She is in good health, so I don't think the anesthesia will be a factor. What bright clean teeth we have!

All the people at the dental practice asked if I was so excited. I don't know how other grandmothers are, but this is number 4! I know it is number 1 for my son and wife, but for me - number 4. That doesn't mean I am just completely unemotional. I am looking forward to this birth. I'm looking forward to holding a tiny baby again. I'm looking forward to learning just what it is. I will love it completely. I am apprehensive, hoping the birth will be completely normal and this baby is perfectly healthy. I have all those feelings, but excited. Not so much - at least by my definition.

When I emailed G with the news, his question was "will we still go to the SSB that weekend." My reply was simply "yes." For C's mother this is a first. It is her daughter and her first grandchild. She should have the weekend to be with the baby. I've had that experience - three times. I will gladly let her have that wonderful experience.

Well, this has been rambling at its worst. I'm sitting waiting for B*st Buy again to complete the installation of their equipment. I think it is going to be a Friday the 13th experience. The last crew gave me a tight time frame. This one just said between 9 and 11. I see trouble ahead. Wish me luck.


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