Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ended up busy

Yesterday, I thought LB had changed her mind about coming to bake cookies. I had all but given up when the phone rang, and a little voice said "Grandma, can I come to your house?" What a question! Of course.

It seems the excuse her dad gave was Doodle Bug fell asleep on him and he couldn't move. Now they got back from breakfast with his loser friend about 9:30. LB called at 2. I know DB doesn't sleep that long.

Anyway, I had already made a couple of simple batches of cookies. So when she got here, we made three more things. During the afternoon, she said she would like to sleep over. So that's what she did. She knew she didn't have to depend on her parents to get here this morning. Of course, she is still asleep, but that's OK.

We were going to make the marshmallow/corn flake wreaths. She couldn't wait. About half way through, she was sorry we did that particular treat. Her mom remembers us making them during her childhood. I don't and am really surprised that I don't. I just hope I remember what a mess they are the next time I get a wild hair.

Today we make the sugar cookies and decorate them. I know as soon as her eyes open, that will be the first thing on her mind. I need to set about finding the cookie cutters and assorted things.

I didn't get pictures yesterday of the gifts. I will try to get them sometime before Christman Day.

She's up - so it's off the make the cookies.


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