Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Physicians and other necessities

Hey - it's me again. I can't believe so much time has passed. Time just flies!

I have been making the first of my check ups that fall here at the beginning of the year. So far, all is good - I guess. Cardio doc is happy with my status, but I still have to hear the results from the wonderful Pap. I assume all is well on that end.

Doodle Bug has decided to become one of the siblings. She has decided that five fifteen minute naps are a good thing. Well kiddo, they are definitely NOT! Oh how I long for the days of the two hour nap.

My MIL is back home for a while. She is packing up everything to move to an assisted living facility. This is the one where they lived for a while when FIL was still alive. He hated it. Every second. HE made her live miserable. She had wanted to move there for years. Now she doesn't want to go back. She is taking his stance on living in that house. I don't think she has stated that she wants to die in her bed in that house as he did, but she has said she wants to live in the house forever.

I don't know why she has taken the stance she has taken. When BIL and SIL tried to move her to Capital City, it was way too early. They attempted that a week after the funeral. But when they took her back to CC for Christmas, they were able to get her to go to the Assisted Living.

Since I am an outlaw, I stay away from all this. In this family you can certainly be treated as an outlaw in a heartbeat. So to not become a complete outsider, I just keep my mouth shut. There are some dynamics going on here that I want to stay away from completely.

BIL emailed that probate is on Tuesday. He thinks that will be the end. I just replied that probate means the work has just begun. All she gets is appointed executrix. She now has to deal with the estate.

I will now slink back into my hole and not commit anything else - although I did add my two cents about the move and her reaction to one of her care takers. I just can't keep my mouth shut. I also said that I thought a scooter would help her become even more mobile at the Assisted Living. When will I learn?

Anyway, next month brings the checkups with the oncologist and radiation oncologist. It's funny, when I was in the midst of treatment, I couldn't wait for the end of the constant visits. Now I want them sooner than four months. I spoke to another cancer survivor who is three years past her treatment. She is on yearly recalls. She said that seems too long. I heartly agree, I never thought I would say this, but those checks cannot come too soon!

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