Thursday, February 12, 2015

Nearing the finish line

Down to the last or almost last appointments.  The sleep study was really very easy.  The technician was just great.  Of course I knew how it went before I went up.  There were three of us - actually 4 but I didn't see the 4th.  This was the first for one of the guys.  I think he was quite nervous.

I thought we would be getting a sweet roll, juice and coffee this morning, but it was one of three different breakfast sandwiches, and whatever else from there - fruit, cereal and the like.  It was good.
I told the tech I know she isn't supposed to diagnose, but did it look like I would qualify - especially with one visit.  She said yes.  So that is good news!

I was worried about what my co-pay would be, but I will be honest - it almost didn't matter.  It was only $10!

I woke at 6:15 on my own.  I had to "go" so badly!  The technician came on and asked if I were ready to get up - well no, but...  I had to wait for her to disconnect me, but made it!

She then took all the leads off, ordered breakfast delivery, and after I ate - I was on my way - into the terrible traffic!!

I wish I could have thought of something to do out there beginning at 7.  I have to be back at 12:30 for PT.

So I will be off for that here in a bit.  I wonder how many sessions have been ordered.  Next week is the SSB, although with the new polar express coming on Thursday we may not be going on that day. We'll see!!


Judy said...

We found that the tech's will usually give you a yes or no--in fact Fred's tech told him how many times he woke up during the study.

MartiDIY said...

How did you sleep through the night? I would be like the nervous guy in the waiting room

Sally said...

Not sure I could do that either!