Thursday, August 04, 2011

Where is it?

I know it was here just a minute ago, but where in the heck did July go?  I know I am anxious to get out of this heat.  I know I was rooting for Tropical Storm Dan to give us a little moisture.  He turned out to be fickle!  But who took July away?

This summer has been a real challenge for most of us.  Not only is it dry, but the heat is like living in the clothes dryer.  Well, someday it will end.  I don't want another winter like the last one either.  We had too many freezing days.  My fruit trees are just beginning to come back.  That is a real trick now that it is hot and dry.  I don't know if they will ever be the same.

The big event on this week's agenda was going to the Embroidery Club meeting.  I am getting better and better with my machine, and it is going to be difficult for the organizers of this club to find things that I need/want to learn.  

We did beautiful lace snowflakes today.  They are impractical.  I don't want/need them for decoration, and they wouldn't sell at all.  I would have to charge $50 for each one according to the suggested pricing on all this embroidery stuff.  They also take 60+ minutes to complete.  I guess that wouldn't be so bad if I could set 10 machines going.

And so, another day of finding fault with things.  I guess I sounded rather pompous with all that.  I don't mean to.  I still have a lot of things to learn with that machine.  It can almost fix dinner.  It has features I haven't even considered using yet.  

So now it is time to lug the 50 pound machine up along with its 20 pound machine trolley.  I also need to re-organize the craft room.  I have put some things away so securely that, wait for it ...   come on you can guess the answer ... I can't find them.  What a surprise.  I still cannot find my other wedding ring.  It is someplace verrrrry safe - at least I hope it is.  So it goes with things in the craft room.  Things that will be found after I die, and my kids are repulsed by all the stuff I have,

Oh, I watched a little of the program "Horders." Bless his heart - my dad was a horder.  I never thought of it as a sickness, but what else do you call it?  He wasn't a crafter that needed stuff like he had.  He reupholstered furniture, but that was it.  When he was living alone, you couldn't walk through his house.  

I guess I'm like that a little, but as a science teacher, we used everyday things for our equipment.  Even as just a regular teacher, you never knew what you could use for bulletin boards and the like.  I do about 5 different crafts.  I use a lot of different stuff.  I know as soon as it is in the trash can, and loaded on the trash truck, I need the item.

Right now I am looking for some colored "jewels" to put on girl's hair things.  I remember putting them someplace out of the way.  Well just where is that place.  I'll bet I find my ring there too!

Peace be with you.


Marti said...

July just shriveled up and died from the heat like everything in my yard.

I hear you on putting stuff away so well you can't find it again. I have misplaced my grandmother's engagement ring that dd wants to wear at her wedding in May. I've looked everywhere and I'm so afraid it was in a ring box I decluttered.

yellowdoggranny said...

July burst into flames