Thursday, September 23, 2010

Short and not so sweet

As everyone knows, and if you don't here goes, I am an animal lover.

Right now I only have a dog and now a cat (for a year) The dog is Simone and the cat is Shadow.

Well, yesterday Shadow got sick. He vomited all day until there was nothing. No drinking - nothing going in.

We decided a trip to the vet was in order. His appointment was at 1. At 11 I started looking for him. He wasn't in his usual places. I finally found him as secluded under the bed as he could get. This worried me. This is the way a cat that is going to die acts.

His diagnosis is still unknown. They suggested getting him to Texas A&M - they are the major veterinary school, and handle the cases like this. I decided to take a more conservative treatment. So he is back here after being treated with meds at the clinic, living completely under my control in the "kitty playhouse." Thankfully I didn't have son take it down.

He could get over this soon, or he could die. We just don't know yet.

Peace be with you.

1 comment:

Cheyenne said...

I will pray for the little guy if that's ok with you.