Saturday, August 08, 2009

First day

The first day travel was smooth. We are here in some little Oklahoma town north (east?) of Ardmore. Nice place.

I am here thanks to my fancy dancy ATT air card. I have 30 days to determine if I like it or not. I am thinking seriously of canceling Comcast. Then I would use the air card only.

Tomorrow we will be heading to Kansas City. I knew the weather would be hot here, but it's not looking good. I am not looking forward to the rains in Minnesota. I hope the flooding stops tomorrow.

Simone has already ingratiated herself to Daughter. I think they didn't let her out soon enough, but she pooped and peed in the dining room. At least it is a hard surface and not carpet!! I miss my little girl so much. She seemed to be happy to be there however!

I told G I was going to use this card as normal to see if there is enough time on it, but I am cutting a bit short.

More tomorrow.


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