Tuesday, June 02, 2009

It's a what?

About 20 years ago, a beautiful orange cat appeared at our house. We had two kitties at the time, and G forbit us from feeding it. Well, that had a lot of influence around here. Soon, not only had we fed it, it was brought in the house.

The accepted feeling around here was that it was a pregnant female. The cat just reacted like a female. It was really big too. We really though
t she must have several kittens on board. So, never having had a pregnant cat because the first order on the agenda around here is to have them "fixed," off we went to the vet.

We were on first name basis with this vet. She took over the practice of the vet we used when we moved here - and went into the horse "business." I, like so many little girls, always wanted a horse. So we eventually got three. We had them until Daughter was born. Then we had to sell them. Sad day. Babies and the horse pasture don't mix. I know, I tried.

Anyway, we had dubbed this kitty Noel because it was between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We told the vet all we knew about her. She palpated Noel. She thought it strange that she only felt one kitten. I neglected to also add this was a very long haired cat. When she did further exams, she reported that Noel was Ralph. So we had Ralph for about 18 more years.

Why did I go into such a long, drawn out post you ask. Because it has happened again. Son and DIL dubbed my new kitted Shadow. They had thought about Sassy and some other names (out pets all have "S" names), but Shadow was the choice. We were going to adopt Miss Shadow.

G repeatedly asked Son if it was really a girl, and he said he was pretty sure. They had gone though many names and Shadow seemed to be a really good name for her.

So he called me after the visit to the vet yesterday. She was pronounced to be healthy, but they
gave her treatments for worms and ear mites just in case. She was to get a bath.

Now let me introduce:

MISTER Shadow - yes once again a male, not a female!!


Judy said...

This is too funny--I was told once by my little son that the way to tell if it is a boy or girl, is to turn it upside down and look at it. I asked, "How can you tell then?" He replied, "If the bottoms of its feet are pink, it is a girl cat." Ah yes.....why didn't I know that?

Grandma K said...

Both times it was difficult to tell. Ralph was a grown cat, but very fluffy. He didn't really like to be "handled." Shadow is so young it is hard to tell.

Now I have to remember how to take care of a tiny kitten. It's been a good 25 years since the last one. Then I worry about Simone. She doesn't mind cats. She has lived with them before, but a bite sized kitten, I don't know.