Friday, March 02, 2007

I am finding it again - with your help!

Fear is probably the most insidious of the emotions we possess. It lurks in the dark recesses of our minds, growing, waiting. Fear is not alone there, however. It has its good friend, uncertainty, right there with it. Both are waiting for some small crack so they can slip their icy fingers around your heart where they bring the twins along - frustration and doubt.

Fear, doubt and uncertainty have been with me for a while. I let the fear grow. The uncomfortable body allowed it and its friends, escape into the light where they tried to take hold. And they almost succeeded. I was falling down a deep dark hole of despair. My light was dimming. I felt really low, and the self pity was rising. I was beginning to become very frustrated because I not in control. Well, I realize I cannot be in control of things now.

Busy Mom asked her readers to come over to give me a boost. I cannot express to you all what your comments meant to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am finding my resolve and bravado again.

And Busy Mom, I am so glad you escaped damage from the storm yesterday. I thought of you immediately when I saw the news. I am so distraught about those who lost their lives and properties in those storms

Later today, I will have half of the staples removed along with the drains (I hope since they have really stopped draining). I will carry your good thoughts with me.


flying eagle woman said...

ahhhh removal of staples...a big step towards the other side...i am not in busy mom's group but i will say this, you are always in my thoughts and prayers particularly this are are prayers are for more courage and strength to lift your tired heart and for pieces of JOY sparkled throughout your is the shield against fear!

Southern jezeBelle said...

Just wanted to let you know I read about you from Busy Mom. You're in my thoughts Grandma K!