Saturday, January 27, 2007

One big lie for my daughter

Yes, I am going to tell my daughter a lie today. She is having Lady Bug’s birthday party at Mr Mouse’s Pizza Place. I normally go to all of Lady Bug’s parties - even the ones they had given by her day care.

So why am I going to lie to K? Because her in laws are all here. I confess that there is absolutely no love lost between them and us. It is a long story, and it is not going to change.

So the lie that I am going to tell her is that since she only has 20 seats reserved, her dad and I will not be there because the PET scan really aggravated my arthritis, and I don’t want to make a big deal out of finding a chair.

Pathetic isn’t it? Well, if I have only a certain number of days on this planet I am going to try to spend them with the people I want and doing things I want. Selfish? Probably. Will it really make a difference to Lady Bug? No. She doesn’t see those people as much as she sees me, and she is really excited about them being here.

K would probably understand all this, but in this case a lie will smooth things over better than the truth.

I’ll have a cake for Lady Bug at dinner tomorrow night.

1 comment:

flying eagle woman said...

where have you been all my life...thank you for writing such honest've taught me so much in this one page I've read...:-) I too am a grandma at the jump-off point...and I have cancer but haven't told anyone but my brother...